I remember a few years back I remember hearing all about Bed Bug infestations in the news. Then it seemed to die off a little. That is until I got a call from a friend in New York. While we chatted, she let me know that she recently switched apartments. I asked her why. The answer: BED BUGS! Yikes! After talking for awhile, and then googling some research, sure enough, society is still often at risk for bed bugs. Luckily the professionals at Moxie Pest Control provided me with accurate information on how I can check to see if I have bed bugs and what the professionals do to rid a home of bed bugs.
I was shocked to learn that both Washington DC and Baltimore, MD made the top 10 US Cities with the Worst Infestations as seen on the informational graphic below. I currently reside in Annapolis, MD, which is 30 minutes north of DC, and 30 minutes south of Baltimore. Yes, I’m right smack in the middle between two cities with a bad case of the bugs! It is good to know there are professionals I can call for help if I discover bed bugs in my home.
Well thanks to the resourceful information provided below, I did take a look through my closet and check my bedroom furniture. So far so good! I plan to take my bed apart and check when I return from time with my family. Please take a moment to read the information below. You never know what you may learn. Since anyone can be at risk for bed bugs, it is important to be knowledgeable on the issue and know that there are professionals you can call for assistance.
This is a sponsored post for Moxie Pest Control, however, all the points and views are my own.
Its horrible to think about bed bugs, but its not good ignoring the situation, great info on your post thanks x
candice says
Luckily we have not had to deal with this! I see New York on that list and that’s where we live. Hopefully they won’t invade our house! Gross!
Erika @Musings From a Stay At Home Mom says
Ewww I hate the thought of bed bugs. Great infographic though. As the previous comment said, it’s gross to think about, but worse to ignore it!
Jessica says
Ugh this grosses me out so much! There was recently a store in our town that was infested with bed bugs.
Jessica p says
Bug bug totally creep me out. I have never had them but every time i see a speck of anything on my sheets i freak out and examine it. Thank goodness I dont like in one of the common states or cities!
Kristin Wheeler says
Bed bugs freak me out!! YUCK!!
Allyson Bossie says
That just gives me the eebie Jeeebies, yuck! Thanks for the reminder post, and great informatino
Michelle says
Great information! Thanks for sharing!