Back in February I had the privilege of reviewing Rock “N Learn’s Letter Sounds. When they offered the opportunity to check out one of their latest DVDs, Sight Words, I immediately said yes! Sometimes the flash cards, singing songs, “reading” a book just don’t cut it with him. As he is always interested in the big colorful moving pictures on the television in our living room, I’m always on the look out for any educational DVD for him to watch. This is exactly why I was thrilled to learn about Rock N Learn! Their series is not only educational and beneficial to a child’s mind, but they are also fun and keep the attention focused.
Rock ‘N Learn began as an idea that would help children learn by putting educational material to music with a current sound — the kind of music that kids enjoy and find motivating. Now with over 50 products, we have sold millions of audio/book and video programs to teachers and parents throughout the United States, Canada, and other countries. Rock ‘N Learn programs help students learn math, phonics, reading, early childhood, social studies, Spanish, test-taking strategies, writing, and science. Our DVDs incorporate music with exciting, colorful imagery.
Rock ‘N Learn generously sent me their Sight Words DVD for review! Geared towards an audience of children in Pre-K and up, this DVD features over 60 sight words. Using cute songs and funny characters to help build reading comprehension, I found the various sections to be quite entertaining.
Sight Words includes all pre-primer Dolch words and the top 20 Fry words. These are very basic, yet very important words for your child to learn! The Dolch words list includes words such as he, she, look, up, down, no, and where. Now my son is still a little too young for this DVD, but my friend’s almost three year old that was watching one of the many viewings with us started to catch on right away. I appreciated that each word was used in such simple context that he had no difficulty in understanding.
My son has recently started dancing aka bopping up and down. We really enjoyed the parts that calls the kids viewing to get up to move around and dance. He is learning to clap his hands so that was extra fun for him. The bright colors of the characters kept all the kids watching quite intrigued.
Watch this Sample Clip from Sight Words below:
Overall I’ve been happy with both Sight Words and Letter Sounds. I can’t wait to check out Rock N Learn’s other DVDs in their series. I love how this series is beneficial to my son for his learning in the future, especially when he hits preschool and kindergarten. I can see how this DVD may also be a great addition to any classroom.
Buy It: Rock N Learn products are available for purchase right on their website! The Sight Words DVD retails for $19.99. Right now, you can receive 25% off your entire purchase by using code JQ7711 (contiguous U.S. residents only) upon checkout. You can also purchase Rock N Learn products at Amazon.
Win It: Simply fill out the easy Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway ends on April 14, 2012, at 11:59 pm EST and is open to residents of the US only, age 18+. Once a winner is drawn via Rafflecoper, we will contact the winner through email. They will then have 48 hours to respond. If there is no response, we will draw a new winner. Good luck!
I received complimentary product(s) to facilitate this review from the sponsoring company. This is 100% my own honest opinion. No one has influenced me otherwise and I was in no way compensated financially. This review is solely based on my own experience with this product.
Holly C says
I like the Reading Comprehension and Math Word Problems in the test strategies series.
Monica says
i would like the mulitplication rocks dvd
Anne Loyd says
I would love French Volume I so my kids could learn a little of another language!
Sharon says
I’d choose Letter Sounds
Char W says
I would choose letter sounds :)
Vickie Couturier says
Getting Ready for Kindergarten
Seyma Shabbir says
Sight Words or getting ready for kindergarten!
Deidra Bigham says
I would choose the Getting Ready For Kindergarten dvd.
Corey Olomon says
I would pick Phonics Volume 1 DVD.
Ani G W says
I’d choose the getting ready for kindergarten dvd.
Dianna Thomas says
I would choose Spanish Volumes I & II Video–because we live in a community that is Spanish so it might help all of us