I can still hear it now… my mom reminding me over and over again to brush my teeth! I can’t tell you how many times a day I would just brush brush brush. For at least twice a day I would brush so hard hoping to obtain the goal of my pearly whites being perfect. However, as we all know in life, things don’t always go as planned, and at time surprises arise.
Unfortunately at the age of 6, I tumbled off my bike, breaking my front tooth in half. It was not a pretty sight. The next day I was rushed to the dentist, to place a large amount of bonding, just to make the jagged “thing” that was once my tooth, well, actually resemble a tooth. When I got home, I remember that I couldn’t stop staring at it. This was now my tooth? Now over the years, that bonding turned to a crown. It seemed ever since that accident, I just felt my smile was not as perfect as before. I researched all about veneers and cosmetic dentistry.
Funny thing, around the same time I was doing that research, my cousin who had just moved to Tennessee informed me she too was looking for a cosmetic dentist. Her bonding was falling apart and needed it fixed ASAP. She had pretty much spent almost 5 hours research for the best cosmetic dentist in Nashville. Like me, she only wanted the best working on her teeth. Sure, it may take time to research, but these are your pearly whites we are talking about! I think it is only appropriate the best and most experience cosmetic dentists are the ones to hire.
I found a great dentist in my area, and decided to go ahead and make the jump towards my smile once again being perfect. The procedure was painless and now I have a beautiful white front tooth. If you are considering replacing a crown, or are not happy with your teeth in general, I would definitely recommend looking into veneers or other cosmetic dentistry. I couldn’t be happier with my decision and it is worth it to have a beautiful smile! As for my cousin? Sure enough, she has a beautiful smile as well!
This is a sponsored post for Dental Bliss, however, all the points and views are my own.
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