All photos featured with permission are supplied by @imonet73. All opinions and thoughts expressed are 100% my own.This week a replica of the 18th-century French frigate Hermione sailed into downtown Annapolis. It was a short stay, only 4 days, but still a joy to have in town! The Hermione is a replica of the ship that Marquis de Lafayette sailed on his second journey to the United States back during the Revolutionary War in 1780.
This is 216-foot-long, weighs 1,260 tons, and stands 185 tall. Featuring 17 sails and two 400-horsepower engines, the ship took nearly 17 years to build and cost $30 million!
The Hermione is currently taking a tour of the East Coast as part of the Tall Ships 2015 Challenge. Stops include Boston and Newport, RI to name a few. You can see stops on the schedule map below!
My amazingly talented friend Lee Anne (@imonet73) featured the ship on her iPhone Only Photography Instagram account. I’ve included some of the photographs below.Thousands of people came to visit the ship during it’s stay, and hundreds every watched as it left the dock to set sail for Baltimore. When the ship initially arrived, a parade and wreath-laying ceremony took place, organized by the Maryland Society of Sons of the American Revolution.
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