Growing up it seemed like we were always just warned to not talk to strangers, look both ways before crossing the streets, and don’t run with scissors. In present day, it seems like there is a whole new breed of danger out there. The crazy part? It’s is right in our own homes. Vicious malware, internet predators, non kid-friendly content is everywhere. Even my own Gmail account for my email is littered with SPAM and unwanted emails trying to get me to click who know what link. Not exactly the type of online environment I’m ready to let the special little ones in my life freely surf on. Luckily for concerned parents like me, there is! is a safe email service for kids and families. Your kids can now have a safe email account while allowing parents to be aware of any correspondence their children send and receive. You supervise your children when they go outside to play. Do you know who is contacting your child inside of your home? has generously provided me with a free email service to test out and review. When I first register, I have the parents login area to control all the settings of my child’s email. You can add multiple accounts if you have more than one child who would like their own personal email address. Since my son is too young at the moment to use this service, we create an email address for a young relative who often uses my computer and I often care for. I let him pick his own fun username, which he absolutely loved. The login page was quite cute!
I love that each individual child can pick and choose their own background! For the younger kids there are cartoon like cars, princesses, and animals. If your child is older or a pre-teen, they may enjoy the more basic designs and geometric patterns.
As a parent, I can appreciate the various safety features with For instance, you can control who the child receives emails from. Just simply create a contact list. You can always opt to have a copy of every incoming and outgoing message sent to your email as well.
One feature I really loved that is that you can remove links within emails. I think this is awesome because of all the malware that is floating around on the web. A child can easily and unknowningly click a link that could contain a virus. Furthermore, you can set the email up that only allows specific attachment types such as images, pictures, video, mp3s, zip, pdf, doc, xls, etc. Again, this can help prevent viruses from coming in. If you are more worried about what type of content your child might see, you can set a filter to leave out offensive language from incoming emails.
Now onto my favorite feature… the time restriction! You just simply check the boxes for times in which your child is not allow to log into the email system. You can also go in the Ground Child setting to prevent them from logging in.
Buy It: Click HERE to sign up for! You can try it for 30 days free before committing. Don’t worry, this isn’t any type of sales trick where you have to cancel your subscription. No credit card is required for registration!
Win It: Simply leave a comment here on my blog letting me know which feature you are most excited about, or who you would use this service for. Then head on over HERE to enter to win a One Year Subscription to and $75 USD in either the form of PayPal Cash or an Amazon Gift Card. Be sure to let them know Maryland Momma’s Rambles and Reviews sent you! This giveaway is open internationally and ends on June 16th, 2012.
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I received complimentary product(s) to facilitate this review from the sponsoring company. This is 100% my own honest opinion. No one has influenced me otherwise though I was compensated financially. This review is solely based on my own experience with this product.
Brought to you by Karma Media.
melissa says
I am going to sign up of this service. Thank you so much!
Ruth Dennison says
I like that a parent can control who their child receives emails from! I know we had our kids wait to get their emails until they were teens because we were trying to protect them from crud emails.
Teresa Moore says
This sounds really like a neat idea. I like the idea that I can put a restriction on when she can log into her email and set up a contact list of people she can recieve email from. Love the idea of the princess for a little girl.
Myrah - Coupon Mamacita says
Back in the days, I used a nice feature AOL had and it worked great with my daughter….she is now 15 but has gotten used to being very careful on her own! Great service!
Myrah - Coupon Mamacita says
What a neat idea. When my daughter was younger, I used a nice feature AOL has…..but this one is better!
Diva Locks says
What a neat idea! I love it and I will definitely look more into this as my kids become more engaged online. Right now all they want to do is play outside all day and night :)
Brilliant review, I love the way you can have a copy of all the incoming and outgoing emails
Danielle @ Royalegacy says
This is great if you have younger children. I homeschooled my kids. They didn’t need to have their own email address until they got into college. But for those who must deal with regular school, then this is a must have program.
Jenny says
Awesome idea. Will definitely be looking for this when the time comes to monitor children on the pc.
Kari says
Since my daughter is only 18 months old, I don’t need this service yet- but I know one day when she is able to use the computer on her own I’m going to want a program like this to keep her safe.
Libby's Library says
I’ll be passing the link to this post, to my grown kids, so that they can use it with my grandchildren.
Tammy Allgood-Hemmerling says
I love the feature that you can limit the time your child uses it! And that you can remove the links from the emails so the child can’t click random links and risk putting malware on the computer.