Original Photo: MomStart.com. Photo edits by me.
I recently had the beyond amazing privilege to fly out to California for the red carpet premiere of THOR: THE DARK WORLD! Hopefully you’ve had a chance to read my interview with Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki. He wasn’t the only Thor star we had the chance to chat with. My fellow 24 other bloggers and I were able to sit down with Jaimie Alexander, who plays Thor’s friend Sif in the film! How awesome is that?
I have to say, as Jaimie waltzed into the room, she was absolutely stunning! A green “fur” coat hid her premiere outfit, as she quickly quipped that it was indeed a fake. No real fur there! She showed a little bit of her comedic side wittingly asking if she looked like a “green wookie.” Seriously… did us bloggers luck out in getting to interview some of the friendliest celebrities around? Chatting with Jaimie was like hanging with that fun girlfriend you grab a beer and catch a baseball game with! Right away she seemed very down to earth and easy to talk to. It wasn’t long before the questions were rolling in.
Original Photo: Marshall Weinbaum. Photo Edits by me.
Below I’ve included some highlights from the interview. Jaimie is exactly the type of girl I want to be best friends with, hehe. I love that she is NOT your typical drop-dead gorgeous Hollywood celebrity. She has a unique and tomboy side to her. She believes empowering young girls and women all across the nation to feel confident and speaks with a message to help boost their self-esteems.
This first question centered around how Jaimie felt to be a strong female character in a super hero series. She enthusiastically replied that it has been an amazing feeling. Jaimie feels that Marvel has written her role well, and for her, the role has been a “dream come true!”
Your character in the comics has a romantic relationship with Thor? Will we get to see any of that, the triangle they have going on?
JAIMIE: They hint at it a little bit in the film. They can’t go fully there,but they definitely hint at it. It’s always fun, because it is in the comic books, and we definitely want to appease the fans. I look at him a few times. Unfortunately he’s not shirtless in front of me, but that’s fine, it’s all right.
(I don’t know Jaimie. If it was me, I would have demanded those shirtless scenes with Thor!)
Is there a side of your character we’ll see in part two that we didn’t see in the first movie?
JAIMIE: Yes, you get to see a very vulnerable side of Sif. You also get to see what her fellow Asgardians mean to her. Now, in the first movie, we explored that a little bit. She’s very protective. Her first priority is to protect her fellow Asgardians and the throne. In this one, there’s a little bit of heartache. It’s really amazing, because she’s very selfless. The heartache is definitely an underlying tone to her. She kind of puts it aside and says, “You know what? I have lives to save. I’m gonna put that first.” You get to see what she’s made of a little bit.
What did you like best about Sif?
JAIMIE: I like that she’s selfless. In a way that’s one of her greatest strengths, but it’s also her downfall. She really puts everyone else first, and also she’s not afraid to give her opinion. She does it respectfully, but she definitely stands up for what she believes in. I can appreciate that, and I try to adopt that in my own life as much as I can. Well, without scaring people. I don’t carry a weapon! Not that anyone can see anyway.
Have you gotten a lot of feedback from younger girl fans that are following you?
JAIMIE: It’s great because I actually speak at schools, and I speak out about positive body image. I know, you guys look at me and say “You’re tall. You’re kind of a thing. Blah blah blah.” Um, I have less an A cup, okay? So there are things about me that aren’t Hollywood standard. I actually really like it! I have tattoos. I grew up with four brothers. I was a high school wrestler. I did all of these things that aren’t typical of a young woman. So, for me, I like to embrace that side of my personality and let my uniqueness show. I try to say to young women “Don’t be afraid of yourself.“
Along the same lines, for young girls looking to you as their superheroes, is there anyone that you looked up to, growing up?
JAIMIE: Sigourney Weaver. She was always my favorite. She seemed to embody a sense of humor, while being stoic and being powerful, and also being feminine. To me she is the ideal woman. If I was a guy I would probably be like, “Go out with me!” She’s amazing. She’s incredible. I always looked up to her and the characters she played. Actually, Walt Simonson, who had a great deal to do with my character back in the seventies, saw Sigourney Weaver walking down a street in a red trenchcoat and said, “That’s gonna be Sif.” So actually my character is modeled after Sigourney Weaver. So, to me, that’s come full circle.
What would you like to see your character do next if you had the opportunity to play her again?
JAIMIE: I think it would be fun to play two different characters. So I would love to see Lady Loki come into the picture. I do believe that they would have me play both, which would be fun. So, selfishly, I would like to see Lady Loki happen.
During the interview it was interesting to hear how she prepared and trained for her role! Jaimie noted that she worked with a dialect coach to achieve her British accent. For the physical aspect, she actually trained for about two months doing weight lifting, yoga, and pilates on the reformer machine. She also did a lot of fight training with a re-known stunt woman, Chloe Bruce, who is a world champion martial artist. It was really cool to learn that Jaimie actually does all her own stunts!
During the interview she noted how she is “weirdly” good at sword-fighting. She admits to being so good, that it sometimes freaks people out! At Comic Con this year, one of her favorite things to do was to handle and play with the swords brought by people who dressed as Sif.
Jaimie admitted that she didn’t know much about Thor growing up except for what she learned in school about the mythology. However, as a kid she did often read her brothers’ “hand-me-down” Spiderman and X-Men comics. She was a big fan of Jubilee due to her “awesome” yellow trench coat and that fact that she hung out at the mall. Jaimie even cut her hair pixie style last year for a photoshoot to pay homage to Jubilee.
Overall it was a blast to interview Jaimie! I love her message of “girl power” and confidence. It is great to see such a strong female warrior on screen. Even though she noted that she has no idea if Sif will appear in the second Avengers film, I just want to say to Marvel… YES, include Sif! She rocks!
Original Photo: MomStart.com. Photo edits by me.
Don’t forget to connect with THOR on Facebook and Twitter! The film is out NOW! Yes, Thor: The Dark World hit theaters last Friday, November 8th! Yes, I’ve already seen it again and plan on heading to the theater for another viewing this week.
While I attended an expense paid trip by Disney to the Thor: The Dark World Premiere, all opinions are 100% my own.
Melissa says
I love her role! I enjoyed reading this interview! I can’t wait to see what happens between her and Thor!
Liza @ Views From the 'Ville says
Great write up of the interview! She really does command the attention of everyone just by walking into the room – so much confidence!
Debi says
I love strong women. I can not wait to to see this movie. I thought it was going to be awesome before I starting learning about Jamie.
The Mom Jen says
What a neat experience, boy is she gorgeous! I love women in empowering roles!
Tricia @ Night owl mama says
I love her dress!! She’s a gorgeous actress and I can’t wait to see Thor. So happy you have experienced a bloggers interview with a celebrity its really a truly blessed experience. thanks for sharing the interview.
Susan says
she is so pretty must have been exciting to meet such a great actress~!
Kelly Stilwell says
Wasn’t she awesome? I thought she was really sweet, too. It was great to hang out with you a little! Great post!
Danielle says
She was absolutely fantastic in the movie! Loved watching her powerful character.
Angela says
I am so impressed to learn that she does her own stunts.
Tammilee Tillison says
Wow, I am so impressed she does her own stunts. How nice to see a actress who is promoted having a great body image and being yourself.
Rena (An Ordinary Housewife) says
Another female avenger would be cool! And I’m jealous of all this premiere stuff you get to do. Seems like a lot of fun.