In the past weeks you might have notice some changes. I would like to give a special thanks to Hanna Landis over at HDesignStudio for my fabulous new look!
I came across HDesignStudio (formerly TreaSured Creations) on Facebook. What grabbed me was the tag line of AFFORDABLE graphic design. I had just started this blog in July and was looking for someone to create a design since my skills are at zero, but wouldn’t break the bank either. I looked through Hanna’s work, and loved it! Just last week she unveiled her new website! Check out all the great logos and blogs/websites she has designed. There will also be a section where you can purchase pre-made designs if your budget is very tight.
All through the process she was wonderful to work with and we had complete open communication. She was there to answer all my questions, and was quick to show me new designs and ideas. I truly appreciate all the hard work she put into this. The product exceeded my expectations, and it was great to receive such a quality design for the right price!
Not a fan yet? Head on over to her Facebook Page! Sign up today for design work and receive 10% off! Just let her know you are a Facebook fan and that Maryland Momma sent you. Click here to contact her if you have any questions!
This is 100% my own honest opinion. No one has influenced me otherwise and I was in no way compensated for this review. This review is solely based on my own experience with this product.
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