As October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, I’m continuing a series here on the blog to help raise awareness, comfort those with a loss, and educate those who are unfamiliar. Thank you readers for taking the time to read these articles written by a very dear friend of mine as I feature them.
Giving Yourself Permission to Smile and Laugh Again
Written by Jennifer Davis
Sounds silly doesn’t it? But as a grieving parent you understand this. You probably remember the exact moment you cracked a smile or you genuinely laughed for the first time since your baby passed. The moment runs quite clear from a grieving parent and laughter usually turns into tears, and guilt for enjoying life again. This is where permission comes deep within. Yes there will be sadness throughout your life, they will always be missing, there will be significant dates, anniversaries, birthdays and your hopes and dreams you had for them, but no amount of sadness will bring them back…
Click HERE to read more.
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