The brand new trailer for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ FROZEN 2, debuted this morning to much eager fans ready for the latest installment of Anna and Elsa’s adventures! Viewers caught a glimpse of the dramatic journey, taking the sisters into the unknown. Take a look for yourself, as it is all good things!
FROZEN 2 Trailer
Why was Elsa born with magical powers? The answer is calling her and threatening her kingdom. Together with Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven, she’ll set out on a dangerous but remarkable journey. In FROZEN, Elsa feared her powers were too much for the world. In FROZEN 2, she must hope they are enough!
Check out a few still images below!
Don’t forget to connect with FROZEN on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
FROZEN opens in U.S. theaters on Nov. 22, 2019!
I received the above information as a blogger via Walt Disney Publications. All opinions are 100% my own.
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