As someone in their late 20s, it won’t be long before I hit the big 3-0! Just last week at lunch with a friend, she started teasing me on entering the new decade. She said it won’t be long before the laugh lines, crow’s feet, and spider veins appear. I just laughed it off. Well that is until later in the week I was cleaning out my desk and happened upon a little photo album from high school. Wow I wish I had my 17 year old legs again! Maybe my friend was right. My body is not in the shape or form as it was 10 years ago, and I accept that. Though it doesn’t mean I can’t make an effort to prevent or fix anything I deem unsightly.
As we age, our bodies will change, and varicose veins (spiders veins) maybe quickly appear. However it isn’t just the appearance that can cause concern. Varicose veins can often cause issues such as fatigue and swelling. Plus they can become down right painful! As the condition worsens, you may feel burning and itching, or start to feel ill if you stand on your feet for long periods of time.
Luckily, there is the Vein Clinic of America, who not only specialize exclusively in vein condition treatments, but they are the largest group of vein specialists in the nation. With access to such a highly trained network of physicians, what would hold one back from pursing treatment?
I think that comes down to cost and that one may not know what to expect. At your initial consultation, the doctor you meet with take extra care in examining your condition discussing all your treatment options, a customizing plan of action, and of course answering any questions or concerns you may have. Still unsure about the final cost figure? After you meet with the doctor, the office manager will take time to go over all your insurance benefits and what is covered.
I think one important aspect is that while we age, vein issues won’t just appear on our legs, but on other body parts as well. The appearance of veins becomes more prominent as we age because our skin starts to stretch and sag. If you start to notice the appearance of more veins, it may be worth a consultation with a medical professional at Vein Clinics of America.
I was pleasantly surprised to find out that there is a Vein Clinic right here in my city of Annapolis. In Maryland alone there are 7 clinics. For my Washington DC and Virginia neighbors, the Alexandria vein treatment center is conveniently located closer to you.
sharon martin says
My mum suffered terribly from varicose veins until she finally had them treated. She just wished she had had the courage to sort them out sooner.
Kelly R says
Great post, thank you for sharing.
Melinda Dunne says
I had no idea there was any type of treatment for varicose veins. I luckily don’t have them but I do have spider veins that I would love to have taken care of.
Michelle F. says
My mother suffers from varicose veins. I’d love for her to be able to go get them taken care of sometime in the near future.
Katherine says
It’s so nice to know there is treatment available, (if) I ever need it!
Jennifer Williams says
I had this done a few years ago because mine were causing lots of issues. It is definitely something to take care of early, there was one patient there when I was that had them so bad that there was one that went around her heart. Recovery was not bad at all the worst part was the compression hose in the Florida summer heat.
Sofia says
So far so good here!! I did get one during my first pregnancy but it is long gone. They do run in my family so I’ll have to keep an eye out for them. Glad there is a way to treat them :D
Jeana says
I think I’m getting varicose veins from sitting on my butt blogging all day – lol. Sigh :( I will have to look into a treatment center near me.
Nickida says
My mom has varicose veins. I hope that I don’t get it but it’s good to know there is help out there.
Debra Elliott says
Thank you so much for sharing this helpful information.
Jennifer says
This isn’t in my area, but I really need to look into doing this. Years of working retail (standing on my feet all day) were not kind to my legs…I’m very self conscious about how they look too. :(
Jeannette says
What a great service. I hope I will never need it but so nice to know it’s there if I do.
Sheila says
One of my best friends has varicose veins really bad and has had them flattened once but they are back and worse. I see a few on my legs, but not bad.
Ashley S says
I love getting info on these kind of clinics. Not many people seem to talk about the fact that so many moms get these after pregnancy. Thanks for the info!
Rena (An Ordinary Housewife) says
I hope I don’t get those…I’m 31 but I haven’t noticed any yet. Thankis for the info about, though!
Pam says
I suffer from varicose veins and have thought about getting treatment but never have. Thanks for this info.
Aly Mashrah says
My mom has varicose veins and I’ve never looked into getting them treated for her! Thanks so much for this post.
mitchelle says
It’s really good to know that there are solutions already for this kind of problems. Varicose just does not look good.
Anna says
I’m glad they are there to help you! Thank you for sharing!
Monica says
It’s all down hill after 30? I hope now, I’m 34, lol. I have a few wrinkles I wish weren’t there, but my veins so far seem good ;).
Making Our Life Matter says
I think it’s awesome that you have something that can help you. I am 40, and I realized that I just don’t care if I get varicose veins.
Alaina Bullock says
I am starting to get these and I hate the way they look! I am going to check into this some more!