If you read my previous blog entry on getting in shape, you already know my background story. As mentioned, Shaklee generously sent me their Cinch Inch Loss Plan Starter Kit to test out for 2 weeks. Here is what the kit includes:
– Vanilla shake mix canister (15 servings)
– Assorted Cinch shake packets (14 packets)
– 3-in-1 boost™(42 count)
– Assortment pack snack bars (10 count)
-Energy tea mix (28 sticks)
– Daily journals (2)
– Cinch program guide
– Cinch logo shaker cup
– Cinch pedometer
– Cinch tape measure
The idea is to use the shakes as meal replacements. It is suggested using a Shake for breakfast, a Shake for lunch, a Snack Bar and tea for a snack, and then a healthy balanced dinner. With each meal, you take one of 3-in-1 boosters. Each day should include 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity.
For Day One, I made a vanilla shake! I mixed in the nonfat milk as suggested along with ice cubes to give it more texture. I threw in a small banana for flavor. While I’m more of a fan of chocolate, I though my creation tasted good. Once I arrived to work, I drank a cup of black coffee, one of the foods you can consume while on the plan without having to count the calories. I was fine all morning at work till around after noon. By then I was starving. I was going to make another shake, but my office had a deli tray brought in. Being the first day, it was hard to resist making a sandwich. Going by the Plan Guide that Cinch provided me in the kit, I made a small sandwich on wheat bread that consisted of just turkey and mustard, and a dressing-free side salad. When the “3pm crash” hit me, I ate one of the snack bars (Chocolate Decadence).
Since I ate a meal for lunch, I decided to make another shake. This time I made chocolate and mixed it with some fresh strawberries. Delicious! My problem is though that I stay up late, and by 10:00 pm, I was hungry. I ended up having a small bowl of Kashi cereal with nonfat milk. I was disappointed that I didn’t do exactly what I wanted as far as diet goes. However, since it was my first day, I’m going to give myself a little slack.
As I stated before, the program recommends 30 minutes of exercise each day. Now yesterday was also my first day of working out to Dustin Maher’s Fit Moms for Life program. When I got home from work, the baby boy was down for a nap. Since my mom was watching in that day, she agreed to stay later so I could go for a walk. I did 40 minutes of a brisk pace out in the cold. When I got home, I rested for about 20 minutes before I dived into Dustin’s program, but I’ll discuss that in another post.
So far for Day 2 I made the same Chocolate Strawberry shake. I plan on purchasing some frozen fruit to use in my shakes. Once I arrived at work, I again drank a cup of black coffee. Unfortunately as I walked into the kitchen, I saw mounds of cookies and cupcakes that a co-worker brought in. If there was ever a time for self-control, it is now! So far so good. I decided to eat a plain hard boiled egg to take the edge off of wanting a cookie and so far it has worked. I plan on having another shake for lunch, and then salmon with lemon juice and a salad for dinner.
The hard part tonight is that I have a local parents “De-Stress” Party. I’m hoping that eat dinner before I go will fill me up and I can maintain self-control when it comes to the goodies and drinks at the party. I just have to remember that I’m there for conversation, not for eating!
I’ll periodically update my progress and thoughts on the program for the next two weeks before my final review. So far I’m happy with Cinch and I’m staying positive that I can stick to it!
I received complimentary product(s) from the sponsoring company. This is 100% my own honest opinion. No one has influenced me otherwise and I was in no way compensated financially. My opinion is solely based on my own experience with this product.
Tiffany Cruz says
This system sounds great and yummy too!
Jessi says
Good luck with your journey!
Danielle S. says
It sounds like that you are at least starting off quite well. Yes, you did eat a little something extra, but that wasn’t a lot of calories. You’re doing better than me. Good luck, and keep up the good work.
Clancy Harrison says
This looks so good! I wish you all the luck and power to work hard when it is not easy. The hard days make you stronger!
Stacy says
Good Luck! Losing weight is so hard, but so worth the better, healthy lifestyle.
carol perry says
Love the name – have never heard of it – hopefully it really is a cinch!
Jen says
what a great looking kit! look forward to seeing what you think of it after the 2 weeks :D cheers!
Marcia F. says
You may not be eating enough. Are you using Cinchwellness.com or the paper journal guide that comes with the kit to track your food? If you need any help, please feel free to ask me questions. Thanks for the review! Looking forward to more :)