My son and I have been super into watching the Olympic Games this year, especially now that my boy has started swimming. He loves watching the divers! Right now one of his favorite activities is to go out to the pool and dive for his rings. Sure he hasn’t exactly mastered the art of diving and swimming like the Olympians we watch. However I love that he strives to be like them one day. Even at just five years old, I must say, I admire his dedication. It reminds parents like you and how when it comes to our kids, we must . Plus it’s so cute when he chants “USA” any time he sees Team USA grace the screen.
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Why I Do Not and Why I Will Not Cloth Diaper!
So assuming you read the title of the post, I feel like I should clarify that I have nothing against those who choose to cloth diaper nor do I turn my nose down at them. The basis of this post is more how it is not the ideal choice for my lifestyle as a mom. I firmly believe that each mom has the right to choose which method is better for her and her family.
So why type this post? I’m supportive of my fellow bloggers. When one of them asks me to help them out and share their posts with my readers, I do. When a bloggy friend who cloth diapers asked me to check out her post that was pretty much a run down of Cloth Diapering 101, I did so. I shared it with my readers and even commented letting her know while this wasn’t the choice for me, I was passing it onto my friends who were pregnant and consider going the route of cloth diapers. Big mistake! By commenting, my username was linked to my blog. Within the hour I started receiving messages of why I should reconsider my stance on cloth diapers. I responded simply by thanking them for taking the time to reach out to me, however I stand by my choice for disposable diapers. Some would never reply back, while others would then send me a bullet list of why I NEED to cloth diaper. I admit, I almost started to feel guilty about my choice. It hurt, and when once again I received another email like the ones mentioned above, I realized that no mother should be made to feel guilty about her choice to use disposable diapers.