Some people move on. But not us. YESSSSS! Last night during the big game, Steve Rogers showed the world he is ready for a FIGHT to avenge what the world loss in Thanos’ snap! Marvel fans were treated to brand new footage from the Marvel Studios’ upcoming AVENGERS: ENDGAME! And boy did it not disappoint!
Take a look for yourself!
Keep in mind, Marvel Studios is known for adding fake footage and misdirection in their trailers. There is internet theories already circling that the TV spot last night contained a few fake outs.
Aside from the very quick black, white, and red photo montage of the Avengers that did not survive INFINITY WAR, the first footage we see is a deserted New York City.
The next scene is what appears to be a support group for those who survived the Snap, with Steve Rogers in attendance. This is where we then hear his voice-over of “Some people move on. But not us.”
And then we see Tony alive and working hard to create something! When we last saw Tony in the first ENDGAME trailer, he seemed defeated, and coming to terms with his fate. But remember back in the first IRON MAN movie, where a determined Tony and Yinsen worked tirelessly in the cave while imprisoned to create an aid in their escape? I feel like this scene is a throwback to IRON MAN. With Nebula by his side, Tony is taking scraps and creating something to aid their escape!
The next scene includes Steve, Natasha, and Bruce looking up into the sky at something. Could it be Tony’s return to Earth?
Then we see Rocket entering what appears to be a hut of some type. I saw some fans on Twitter guess that it a hut in Wakanda like the one Bucky lived in. But to me it doesn’t look like the same door, and the water by Bucky’s hut did not look the same. I was wondering if it could possibly be Norway, where Odin passed on, and Thor first met Hela? I don’t have a theory of why it could be Norway… just a guess! But Wakanda does have mountains, so most likely Rocket is still there and not Norway.
We then see Natasha getting in some target practice. At first glance I thought this was Sharon Carter due to the longer hair. However if you take another look, you clearly see the Black Widow’s face. Since Natasha’s hair is longer, does that mean we will indeed get a time jump?
Next Ant-Man and War Machine are shown suiting up in what looks like an office setting! Is this the Avengers HQ? If you recall, Scott shows up at the Avengers door in the previous ENDGAME trailer. So we know he meets up with the surviving Avengers at some point. But it’s till a mystery how he escaped the Quantum Realm!
We then see Thor looking quite melon-collie, and I mean, can you blame him? I wouldn’t particularly be in a good mood either after the events of INFINITY WAR. It looks like he is still in Wakanda with Stormbreaker in hand.
Next we see Clint/Ronin. Where he is, I have no clue on this one.
And then FINALLY we see Steve Rogers strap on the shield, and once again wears his Captain America uniform (from WINTER SOLDIER). This confirms that Cap is back and indeed ready for a fight!
Finally the last scene is the Avengers together, walking through Avengers HQ on their way to do what they do best… AVENGE! Notice the gap in the line though? Many fans suspect this is where Tony is in the line up, meaning that this is another example of misdirected footage. Or maybe it’s Captain Marvel? We’ll see in April!
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Be sure to also check out my Infinity Stone Cookies, Infinity Stones Acai Bowl and The Mad Titan Burger, along with other Marvel inspired recipes here on my blog! I also have a Round Up Guide of all the MARVELOUS Marvel themed recipes!
I received the above TV spot and trailer as a blogger via Walt Disney Publications. All opinions are 100% my own.
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